Sunday, December 30, 2012


                                        HOW I EARNED ONE EXTRA LEAVE

I was lying on my bed engrossed in watching one of my favorite serials ‘The Mentalist’. A cursory glance at the clock showed it was 11:30 pm, I went to bed right away, not wanting to be late for work early next morning. My trusty phone woke me up at 7:00 AM.
I filled my room with some classic country music and went about my daily morning routine, (nothing like starting your day listening to some sweet music.)
Did my laundry and dried the clothes on the hanger, washed the dishes and did a quick clean up of the room. Did a bit of work out for 10-15 min. Then went to the bath, had a clean shave and a nice hot relaxing bath for around 10 min.
After that I Selected a pair of formal wears and meticulously ironed my shirt and trousers. (You somehow tend to dress that extra smartly on a Monday morning)
 I then packed my gym clothes and shoes and got ready to leave.  Checked myself one last time in the mirror (yes guys too do that once in a while), hair-checked, crisply ironed shirt n trousers-checked, polished shoes- check. Just as a final touch, sprayed deo here n there and I was all set to face the Monday morning.
With all my stuff in the car, off I went to office. While driving I was surprised to see the roads unusually deserted and shops closed, another Telangana bandh I mused. I reached the office at 9:30 AM. At the security check I asked the guard if there was any bandh today, he said “No Saab there is no bandh today, not that I know of”.  “Then why are the roads so deserted today?” I countered. He said, “I don’t know saab, that’s how it usually is on a Sunday morning.”
At that point of time inside my head it felt like I was falling off a cliff, time was moving in slow motion with his last words resonating in my hollow head.…TODAY IS SUNDAY????? And I couldn’t fathom how I could make such a moronic blunder. To mask my folly, I remained calm on the outside and acted as if I meant to come on a Sunday to office and said “ hmm true, but I generally come to office on Sundays and  it’s not THIS deserted” we both exchanged a ‘Whatever! I don’t care look’ and went inside.
I parked a little ahead in the campus and checked my phone for the date and it indeed was a Sunday. So for the next few minutes I sat there contemplating on how I could have missed one whole Sunday. Whatever the reason I was glad I made the blunder, it was like one day leave for me, at least psychologically.  With one full day at my disposal I didn’t know what to do, so I finally decided to go to a nearby church and thank the Lord Almighty for so generously granting me one extra day.

We all make mistakes and blunders in our life but some are just a blessing in disguise, so don’t fret or worry about or get tensed for the mistakes you have committed, you never know what it might turn into. Mistakes are the essence of life, those who don’t make mistakes have never ventured beyond their comfort zone.

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