Saturday, October 21, 2017

Parenting Difference of two Nations.

Today i saw something that pointed out the difference in the parenting style of two nations.

I was sitting on a bench basking in the Sunday morning sun, when a British dad and his son walked by me and the son said he wanted a race.

Dad: Pointing to a tree says,  "Ok, first one to touch the third tree over there wins."
Son: "Ok!"
Dad: "Ok,  on your marks, get set" and before he said go, the son started off.
Dad made him stop and said "No, you started early, your lucky there is no disqualification here,
Let's do it again."
This time he started off correctly but he touched the 2nd tree instead of the 3rd and his dad said assertively but lovingly, "No, I said the third tree!"  By this time he caught up with his son but he didn't stop to let his son get ahead of him, he just went and touched the third tree.
The son lost.. Or did he?

 I was thinking back to a similar scene back home in India,but handled completely differently.
I'm sure many of you would have seen this.

Dad: Ok, first one to touch the third tree over there wins.
If the kid would have stated prematurely , dad wouldn't have stopped him,he would have let him win and praised him with adulation and kisses saying you're the best.
If he touched the second tree instead of the third he would have let him win and praised him with adulation and kisses saying you're the best.
Even if the dad was ahead , he would let his son pass him to let him win and praised him with adulation and kisses saying you're the best.

In both cases the dad did what he did because he loves his son.

The first dad, in my humble opinion, teaches his son the reality of life , that you have to play by the rules and work towards winning or reaching your goal.

Is the second dad giving him a false expectation as to what it takes to win or is he in fact giving him a high self-confidence and belief in himself that he can win? What do you think?


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